Hello Everyone!👋, I'amDaffa Budi Prasetya

I'am informatics engineering student at the Cilacap State Polytechnic. Currently I am interest Web Programming and Graphic Design.

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Daffa Budi Prasetya

About Me

of Working Experience as a Web Programming

As a fourth-year Informatics Engineering student, I intend to apply for an internship at your company to acquire experience in this field.

I hope I can broaden my knowledge and skills in the developing world's existing technologies as well as contribute to projects in your company.


State Senior High School 5 Purwokerto

Gereja Street No.20, Sokanegara, East Purwokerto District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java 53115

State Cilacap State Polytechnic

Dr. Soetomo Street No.1, Karangcengis, Sidakaya, South Cilacap District, Cilacap Regency, Central Java 53212


My New Project

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolorum provident beatae soluta quaerat? Sint obcaecati dolores alias optio animi. Perspiciatis.


Realme Landing Page

Landing pages Realme landing with HTML, CSS, Javascript


Juice Landing Page

Landing pages juice landing with HTML, CSS, Javascript


Starbucks Landing Page

Landing pages starbucks with HTML, CSS, Javascript


E-Masjid App

Mosque financial information system built with Bootstrap and Laravel Framework language technology.


Si-Pelma App

Student violation system built with Bootstrap and PHP language technology


Portofolio App

Portofolio system built with Bootstrap and Laravel Framework language technology


My Languages


1. Making information systems with the implementation of the Laravel Framework
2. Routing configuration on the proxy and making it an Access Point
3. Creating 2D objects using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
4. Making 3D objects using software like AutoCAD and Blender

My Service

Hire Me


Frontend Developer

I have expertise in using programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript to develop interactive and responsive front-end displays.


Backend Developer

I have expertise in programming languages like PHP and related backend frameworks Laravel. I will select and use the appropriate tool for your application needs.



I can assist you in configuring the network for your web application. Such as setting IP addresses, subnetting, routing, and configuring proxy network protocols


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